Welcome & What You Need To Know
Thank you for registering for the School For Body-Mind Centering® Yoga Immersion Series:
Embodied Developmental Movement: Effortless Clarity, Balance & Equilibrium; The Reflexes, Righting Reactions and Equilibrium Responses (RRR)
We are very excited about the opportunity to offer this series for the first time in a new virtual format. We hope the following helps to orient you:
• All Information is housed in Your Student Portal. This includes: Zoom links for live classes and information on how to join each class; access to all recordings, and supporting materials for the module.
• How to Join Live Class. Each of the four weekends has its own unique Zoom link, that you will find stored under each weekend. Please note that Zoom links are not sent via email prior to class, they are stored and accessed through the course in your student portal.
• Where to Find Class Recordings. Recordings of live classes and all additional recorded classes, will be stored in each of the four individual weekends. You have lifetime access to the classes to review as often as you like.
• Supplemental Books. We thought you’d enjoy some resources to support your ongoing curiosity and studies of Body-Mind Centering®.
• Contact. We’d like to make this online learning process as easy and comfortable as possible. Please reach out with any questions or suggestions you have to [email protected] or Contact Lisa Clark through the website. Lisa will send occasional emails to all participants concerning updates on the module and the live weekends. To receive these emails, when you registered you would need to have checked Yes to receive emails. If not, you can change this setting in your student account.